mercredi 16 mars 2011

Woman’s international Day: Two girls of Burkina at White Home

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) participated with the First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama March 8, 2011, to an event celebrating the 100th day of the woman's international Day at White Home. At the time of this event, the First Lady congratulated the General Manager of the MCC, Daniel W. Yohannes, Aissatou Hamidou Diallo and Fatimata Yanta, two young pupils of CM2 of the BRIGHT schools of Kantchari and Kouroumani. The girls have been come with to the United States by a member of the Council of the Millennium Challenge Account of Burkina (MCA-BF), and by Madeleine Ouangraoua Sorgho that represents the associations of women and that is a defender of the women in our country. Aissatou Diallo presented the First Lady Obama with a moving speech that touches to her life to Burkina and her success in the school of the BRIGHT project.  
The project of the schools BRIGHT II (Answer of Burkina Faso to improve the odds of the girls to succeed) makes following the success of the program doorstep of the MCC (BRIGHT) of July 2005, that helped to construct 132 schools and so to improve the schooling of the girls and their school completion rate. The American agency for the international development (USAID) manages the project BRIGHT II with a syndicate of partners, notably Plan International, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Forum of the African educators (FAWE) and the association Tin Tua. The Compact of the MCC, signed in 2008 between the Government of the United States and the Government of Burkina Faso, plans for the project BRIGHT II a financing of 28,8 millions of dollars.   

 "It is a honor to be here with the First Lady Michelle Obama and to welcome Aissatou, Fatimata and Madeleine Ouangraoua Sorgo, that are one leader for all women in Burkina", declared Mr. Yohannes. "The realizations of Aissatou and Fatimata to the school and the deep role that Mrs. Sorgo played in the edification of their nation are of the examples of success that the women can have when they have the opportunity of it. All serious effort to tackle the world poverty must start with transforming the life of the poorest women of the world, and I am happy that president Obama made a priority to assure that the women and the girls through the world have an access equal to opportunities to help themselves, their families and their communities", has -  he pursued.   
The MCC recognizes that the inequality between the sexes is a major obstacle to the economic growth and to the reduction of poverty and committed to assure that the kind is taken in account in all stages of his/her/its action with the countries partners. Developed in 2006, the politics of the MCC on the kind takes in account the differences and the inequalities between the sexes in all aspects of its action: of the selection of the eligible countries, the conception to the setting in work of the Compact, until the follow-up of the results and the assessment of the impacts.  
Koundjoro Gabriel Kambou  

1 commentaire:

  1. Yes, it's a honor to be there with the First Lady Michelle Obama and to welcome Aissatou, Fatimata and Madeleine Ouangraoua Sorgo, that are one leader for all women in Burkina. or
