lundi 14 février 2011

Demography and development in Africa: The emergency to act

The efficiency of struggle against poverty and the promotion of an economic growth lasting pass her by the mastery of the demographic phenomena in West Africa? It is in any case the  conviction of the promoters of the high-level conference on the theme: "Population, development and domestic scheduling in French-speaking West Africa: the emergency to act ". Of the 8 to February 10, the participants come from the 9 countries of the French-speaking West Africa will share their experiences on the treatment of the problems of population. The opening ceremony took place yesterday in the room of the banquets of Ouaga 2000, under the patronage of the Chief of the state Blaise Compaoré. 

The questions of populations are crucial for the development and the future of the sub-Saharan Africa. The important demographic growth that the French-speaking West Africa knows could constitute a brake to
its development if she is not mastered. Conscious of the necessity to act, the French ministry of the foreign and European Business, the AFD (French Agency of development), the USAID and the Gates foundations and Hewletts took the initiative to organize, in collaboration with the authorities of Burkina and several international partners, a high-level conference to think around the questions of population and domestic scheduling bound to the development. This conference aims to encourage the dialogue between partners and to reinforce the engagement of the States of French-speaking West Africa in these domains.
Taking the floor in first, the representative of the ambassador of the United States   in our country held to recall that the question of the maternal health constitutes a priority in the politics of the Obama administration. She feeds the hope that this conference contributes to improve the woman's health in the five years to come therefore. The attack of this objective to believe the French minister of cooperation Henri de Raincourt passes by schooling (especially of the girls) and the literacy. It announced that to count this year 2011 and this until 2015, France brings 100 millions of euros to the French-speaking West Africa to sustain the active actions in the sense of the domestic scheduling. 

At the end of these two speeches, place was made to Mrs. Barry Delphine to present" Burkina in walk: demographic tendencies and development ". Mrs. Barry that is to be the permanent secretary of the national Council of the population reveals that today's Burkinabè lives better than the one of yesterday, educate himself more and lives longer. The life expectancy that was of 36 years in 1960 passed in 2008 to 57 years. The strong reduction of the infantile mortality and the weak use of the contraceptive methods encourage an exponential growth of the population burkinabè. The methods of contraception are used by only 10% of the women burkinabè, and one records per year non planned 200 000 pregnancies. If nothing is made, the population of Burkina Faso will double in the next 20 years (30 millions on the horizon 2030). 

Pronouncing his speech of opening, the President of Burkina Faso Blaise Compaoré raised that the fast demographic growth observed in French-speaking West Africa contributes" to accentuate unemployment, the underemployment as well in farming environment that in the urban centers and to generate some conflicts between the different social groups". "We must take new decisions aiming to facilitate the financing of the programs concerning population and domestic scheduling for a bigger mastery of the demographic evolution within our States in the next ten years ", said Blaise Compaoré. 

Without a doubt, one waits for a lot of this conference of Ouagadougou on the emergency to act as for the aspects bound to the population, to the development and to the domestic scheduling in French-speaking West Africa. 

Koundjoro Gabriel Kambou

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