lundi 14 février 2011

Demography and development in Africa: The emergency to act

The efficiency of struggle against poverty and the promotion of an economic growth lasting pass her by the mastery of the demographic phenomena in West Africa? It is in any case the  conviction of the promoters of the high-level conference on the theme: "Population, development and domestic scheduling in French-speaking West Africa: the emergency to act ". Of the 8 to February 10, the participants come from the 9 countries of the French-speaking West Africa will share their experiences on the treatment of the problems of population. The opening ceremony took place yesterday in the room of the banquets of Ouaga 2000, under the patronage of the Chief of the state Blaise Compaoré. 

The questions of populations are crucial for the development and the future of the sub-Saharan Africa. The important demographic growth that the French-speaking West Africa knows could constitute a brake to
its development if she is not mastered. Conscious of the necessity to act, the French ministry of the foreign and European Business, the AFD (French Agency of development), the USAID and the Gates foundations and Hewletts took the initiative to organize, in collaboration with the authorities of Burkina and several international partners, a high-level conference to think around the questions of population and domestic scheduling bound to the development. This conference aims to encourage the dialogue between partners and to reinforce the engagement of the States of French-speaking West Africa in these domains.
Taking the floor in first, the representative of the ambassador of the United States   in our country held to recall that the question of the maternal health constitutes a priority in the politics of the Obama administration. She feeds the hope that this conference contributes to improve the woman's health in the five years to come therefore. The attack of this objective to believe the French minister of cooperation Henri de Raincourt passes by schooling (especially of the girls) and the literacy. It announced that to count this year 2011 and this until 2015, France brings 100 millions of euros to the French-speaking West Africa to sustain the active actions in the sense of the domestic scheduling. 

At the end of these two speeches, place was made to Mrs. Barry Delphine to present" Burkina in walk: demographic tendencies and development ". Mrs. Barry that is to be the permanent secretary of the national Council of the population reveals that today's Burkinabè lives better than the one of yesterday, educate himself more and lives longer. The life expectancy that was of 36 years in 1960 passed in 2008 to 57 years. The strong reduction of the infantile mortality and the weak use of the contraceptive methods encourage an exponential growth of the population burkinabè. The methods of contraception are used by only 10% of the women burkinabè, and one records per year non planned 200 000 pregnancies. If nothing is made, the population of Burkina Faso will double in the next 20 years (30 millions on the horizon 2030). 

Pronouncing his speech of opening, the President of Burkina Faso Blaise Compaoré raised that the fast demographic growth observed in French-speaking West Africa contributes" to accentuate unemployment, the underemployment as well in farming environment that in the urban centers and to generate some conflicts between the different social groups". "We must take new decisions aiming to facilitate the financing of the programs concerning population and domestic scheduling for a bigger mastery of the demographic evolution within our States in the next ten years ", said Blaise Compaoré. 

Without a doubt, one waits for a lot of this conference of Ouagadougou on the emergency to act as for the aspects bound to the population, to the development and to the domestic scheduling in French-speaking West Africa. 

Koundjoro Gabriel Kambou

Computer security and advantages of the Web 2.0 : The WAJA equips the journalists

To improve the capacity of the journalists and to sensitize them on the technic of report for the web, the notions of the security internet and the opportunities that the web2.0 offers, it is the objective of a formation shop that held from February 2 to 4 in Bamako in Mali. Initiated by the union of the journalists of West Africa (WAJA) and financed by the Commission of the ECOWAS, this formation united 35 journalists come of the countries of the ECOWAS space and Mauritania.  

One knows it the new technologies of information and the communication revolutionized this world, the press with. But forces is to recognize that the majority of the journalists of Africa is not conscious of the numerous impacts, advantages and inconveniences of this technological thrust. They are often same the prey of the crooks of the web. To rectify shooting, the formation and the sensitization of the publishers, the journalists and the owners of medias imposes itself. 

In spite of the financial difficulties the WAJA fights to reinforce the capacities of the journalists of West Africa. Of the 2 to February 4 it initiated a shop of formation of the formative on the theme" security internet, journalism and new technologies of information and the communication for the development ". During three days, the participants learned to secure their data, to create and to enliven some blogs, without forgetting the social networks as facebook, tweeter, etc. They also familiarized themselves to the notions of google reader, Rss flux and to the animation of the site of the WAJA, notably the pages reserved to every country. Back at home, they are also called to form on their turn 160 (10 in each of the 16 countries of the ECOWAS) local journalists with the support of their national unions and the WAJA. 

The PRC/WAJA (project of backing of the capacities of the union of the journalists of West Africa) hopes through this formation, and those that will follow in the different countries, to participate in the edification of a press more free, democratic, playing his/her/its sentry's role. 
Koundjoro Gabriel Kambou

vendredi 4 février 2011

The Ruins of Loropéni

Very former vestiges discovered in 1902 by lieutenant Schwartz, the ruins of Loropéni would be constructed toward the XI century. The Ruins are constituted of a rampart of shape close to the square (105 m on 106 m) covering a total surface of about 11130 m², and shared in two main compartments of which are inside of the structures of shapes varied determinant of the coins - mainly oblong compartments. The rampart makes about 6 m of height with a thickness of 1,40 m to the basis. Constructed since the XIè century, these ruins continue to challenge the inclemencies and other threats. These vestiges are the testimony of the power and the influence of the trade transsaharien of gold and his/her/its ties with the Atlantic coast. 

It is essentially Loropéni, farming township of 32 000 inhabitants, the Gans, the Lobis and the Birifors that shelter the ruins. They are situated to 3 km in the north - west of the downtown of Loropéni and to 700 m to the north of the road national n°11 joining Gaoua in Banfora. June 26, 2009, the Committee of the world heritage decided to recognize to the unanimity the universal value, the authenticity and the originality of the ruins of Loropéni. They become the same stroke the first site tourist burkinabè to be registered on the list of the world heritage of the UNESCO. 
The ruins of Loropéni are accessible in all season. They are to about forty (40) kilometers of Gaoua, the capital of the region of the South - West. Gaoua shelters numerous hotel infrastructures capable to welcome the visitors of the ruins of Loropéni. The visit is paying, 1000 CFA for the strangers and 500 CFA for the national.    
Koundjoro Gabriel KAMBOU 

Dioulassoba: A village in city!

To the heart of Bobo- Dioulasso in Burkina, between the Sanyon river and the Houet stands Dioulassoba, the village of the descendants of the founding ancestor of Sya, majestically. The village is divided in four districts. One enters there by the district of the animists, then the district of the Moslem, the district of the blacksmiths and the district of black cherry. The district of the animists always kept intact the paths that the king, the fetish of the village, the room of meeting and the case of the village borrowed. The district of the Moslem as for it shelters the ancestor's first house founding Sya. This house named Konsa or parent company would be constructed in the XI century. The districts of the black cherry and blacksmiths continue the manufacture of the instruments of music and culture respectively. 
In Dioulassoba the inhabitants kept the manners always to make, to live and to construct clean at the village. Of small alleys sometimes crossing the courses of dwelling, of the houses constructed in earth and inhabitants to that you throw or that throw you the hello with to smile and liveliness. Come in the evening, the ambiance is convivial in the different cabarets that sprinkly with Dioulassoba. To the East of the village and for the pleasure of the visitor's eyes, a piece of bread is sufficient to make take the silurids consecrated of the Dafra river. The beautiful hike in the village can also end with the purchase of some objects of art with the black cherry that with the blacksmiths. To manage to keep a real village to the heart of a big city that serves as second capital of the country, it is a prowess; and it is necessary to see it to understand the double feeling of astonishment and wonder of all visitor of the village. 
Koundjoro Gabriel KAMBOU

Presentation of Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso, "Country of the honest men", is a country of West Africa without access to the sea, surrounded with Mali to the north, of Niger to the East, from Benin to the southeast, Togo and Ghana to the south and Côte d'Ivoire to the southwest. 
  Its inhabitants are called Burkinabè. The capital is Ouagadougou, situated in the center of the country. Burkina is member of the African union (UA), of the Internationale organization of the French speaking countries (OIF) and of the Community economic of the States of West Africa (ECOWAS). 
The present president, Blaise Compaoré, is to the power since October 15, 1987 to the favor of a state stroke to the course of which his predecessor and brothers-in-arms, Thomas Sankara, have been killed. 
The Constitution of June 2, 1991, adopted by referendum, instituted a semi-presidential government opened to the multiparty  system.
 * The President of Burkina is elected by the people for five years at the time of a vote in two towers. He cannot be reelected that only one time. 
    * The national assembly is the only legislative process of the country. It can be dissolved by the president of Faso. A constitutional room, composed of ten members and an economic and social advice whose role is merely consultative, also exists. 

The territory of Burkina is divided in 13 regions and is subdivided in 45 provinces, 350 departments, 359 townships of full exercise directed by mayors elected and 8 000 villages. 
The official language is French. Numerous national languages are spoken of which most current are the mooré, the dioula and the foulfouldé. Burkina possesses a tropical climate of types soudano-sahelian (characterized by variations considerable pluviometric going from an average of 350 mm in the North to more of 1 000 mm in the Southwest) with two seasons: the season of rains with precipitations understood between 300 mm and 1 200 mm and the dry season during which breath the harmattan, a hot and dry wind, original of the Sahara. The season of rains lasts about 4 months, between May-June and September. The temperature varies from 16 to 45 Celsius degrees; the yearly middle evaporation is estimated to 3 000 mm and the yearly refill of the underground tablecloth to 40 mm. 
According to the general census of the population in 2006, Burkina Faso has 15 millions of inhabitants. 


I know that you are numerous to search for some information on Burkina and its current events but you stumble yourselves to the problem of language. No worries now. 
This blog has been created to help you to have very rich and varied information on Burkina Faso. Your intellectual contributions are the welcomes for a service of quality. You can also contact me directly for more information. 

Gabriel KAMBOU 
Journalist reporter 
To your service 