Les armes ont encore crépité dans la nuit du 14 au 15 avril 2011 à Ouagadougou. Cette fois c'est la garde présidentielle, un corps d'élite chargée de la protection du président Blaise Compaoré qui a pris les armes pour manifester violemment. Ils ont encore pillé des commerces et des stations services à travers la ville de Ouagadougou.
La situation devient de plus en plus intenable pour les populations civiles.
jeudi 21 avril 2011
dimanche 10 avril 2011
Exams of year end: The pupils reinforce their capacities
Of the 21 to March 26, 2011, the Community of the pupils and students of the evangelical Protestant church (CEE / EPE) organized lessons of support to the pupils in class of exam of the high schools and colleges of the city of Gaoua. Second of the kind after the one of 2009, the present edition was held in particularly difficult conditions because of the national situation. They were more of 70 pupils of the classes of 3rd and of terminal to have reinforced their capacities in order to give themselves more of luck to the exams of end of year.
In 2009, a group of students, anxious of the success of their young brothers and sisters, decides to give their time, their means and to share their knowledge with them. They initiate what they call lessons of support. This first edition meets the craze and the massive mobilization of the pupils of the urban township of Gaoua. They are more than 150 pupils to take part in this first experience. In 2010 the disruption of the academic calendar prevents the holding of the second edition. All efforts and hopes concentrate on 2011. This year also had its share of disruptions but the firmness of the Community of the pupils and students were bigger.
This is how of the 21 to March 26, in spite of difficulties the lessons of support took place on several sites of the city of Gaoua, to the satisfaction also a lot of pupils that of the parents. "Honestly these lessons of support are the welcome. All is clear for us, it is indeed marvelous. Here we have the possibility to put all sort of question in order to understand better ", is delighted Valerie Kambou, pupil in class of Tle A4 to the municipal high school of Gaoua. It is also the feeling of Marthe Kambiré of the class of 3rd: "These lessons allow us not to lower the arms and to go from the before. Thanks to these lessons one manages to become attached to our notebooks to which one didn't tend to attach themselves of it because of the disruptions of this last time. ". "In mathematic that didn't go really, but thanks to these lessons I saw an improvement and I pray that it is continual. I think that this year I will succeed in my exam ", hopes Deborah Palenfo.
For the parents who worried logically about the success of their offsprings because of the disruptions that the school year knows, they see in this initiative a ray of hope and rejoice themselves of it. Albert Kambou: "As parent of pupils we are delighted with this initiative of backing of the capacities of the pupils in class of exam. We worried about their success this year because of the disruptions but with these lessons we have big hope ". "It is a laudable initiative in this sense that it allows the pupils to renew with the studies; because of the crisis it makes several weeks that they are cut of the studies. I wish that this initiative occurs again the years to come with a lot more craze of the pupils ", increases the Pasteur Albert D. Palenfo.
Come from Ouagadougou, Bobo - Dioulasso, Koudougou, Manga and of course Gaoua, these teachers of one week see in this return, a duty. Traoré Serge, English professor to the municipal high school of Manga: "It is my way to contribute to their success in the exams, I must to fill this duty. It is a laudable initiative that participates in the development of the church and the region of the Southwest ". He wishes that the authorities of the church, the local and regional authorities lend them strong hand so that them (big brothers) to bring their stone of contribution to the improvement of the school success. Da Sansan Bienvenu, French professor to the municipal high school of Gaoua sees in these lessons of supports an opportunity of sharing of experiences, exchanges, cohesion and friendship.
In spite of the shift of the holidays that caused them a lot of financial and organizational problems, the president of the committee of organization of the second edition of the support lessons, Jonas Somé raises a positive balance: "Because of the situation of crisis the pupils have not been informed in time, we didn't have a setting well adapted to the progress of the lessons but the balance is satisfactory to the look of the number of pupils that could take part in these lessons. In 3rd we had 45 pupils, 17 in terminal A4 and 8 pupils in Tle D. it is beyond that what one expected to the look of the national crisis context ". The coordinator of the lessons of support Esaïe Kambiré already thinks in the future him. "We have in project of institutionalized these courses, so the pupils will know that to every holiday of the second quarter they will have lessons of support. With regard to the mobilization of funds we are going to confer again to see how to mobilize means more in order to organize these courses more efficiently ".
Mathematics, physical - chemistry, history - geography, English, philosophy, French and sciences of life and the earth are the matters that have been taught to the pupils in class of exams. Through shortcoming of the convenient exercises, of the questions of enlightenment and the lessons of deepening, these pupils come affluent out of knowledge susceptible to allow them to pick up their diplomas of year end.
Koundjoro Gabriel Kambou
Demonstrated violent of soldiers: The shootings of gusts wake Blaise up
Burkina Faso since starts it of the decade 2000 - 2010 knew dramatic situations where the people had need to hear him, but he had remained voiceless or very little talkative. Accident of Boromo, deluge of September 1st, student crises, violent demonstrations following the death suspected of Justin Zongo, etc. none of these dramas could not pull the least speech of the tenant of the palace of Kosyam. The heavy weapon of loose soldiers was necessary of the gusts and shootings to oblige Blaise Compaoré to speak to the people outside of the ritual of December 11 and 31 of every year.
In the night of the 22 to March 23, 2011, the city of Ouagadougou is terrified. Of the shootings of kalachinikovs, shootings to the heavy weapon and gusts oblige the Ouagaleeses to earth at home. A stroke of state? No it is a mutiny of soldiers for have been condemned in a business of mœurs. The following day morning, the report of the size of the damages is bitter. Of the robbed trades, of the stations services and buildings wrecked. Did these mutinous pillagers have mobile others? Certainly. In all the cases these scenes of shambles exalted of depredations continued in other cities as Fada and Gaoua.
These acts although little advisable on behalf of the army rabble present the Burkinabè of a very "rare presidential gift": the speech of Blaise Compaoré to the nation. The shots and bangs are necessary to pipe word to our dear president, freshly reelected with more of 80% of the suffrages. And yet…
November 15, 2008, a tragic accident intervenes on the Ouaga axis - Bobo to some encablures of Boromo. One bus of public transportation and a truck tows entered in collusion. The balance is very heavy: 66 deaths all or charred nearly entirely and 30 injureds identified on the place of the disaster. The chief of the state is outside in mission of the country. They were numerous to think that he would shorten his stay to go back. He was not anything of it.
September 1st, 2009, a deluge without precedent in Ouagadougou. 263mm of rainwater fell between 4 am and 4 pm. The fury of waters carries away all or nearly on its passage, made 150 000 disaster victims, of the losses in human life and well naturally many material damages. Distress, tears, bitterness are served to the Ouagaleeses. Blaise Compaoré is in France. Does he go back of emergency? No, he pursued his metropolitan stay serenely before being going back to succeed a big publicity stunt while tasting rice served to the victims of the deluge of September 1st. A speech of comfort to the toughly tried nation? Either. Frustrations and whispers convent: "our president doesn't have anymore of time for us ", preoccupied that he is to manage the Togolese, of the Ivory Coast files, etc. king made In these countries Blaise Compaoré and celebrated like man of peace and dialogue, but inside his country the pot simmers. Mildly.
And then in end February, the word basta! makes shape in Koudougou. Following the death suspected of pupil Justin Zongo and to the coarse lie served to the national and international opinion, Koudougou assumes its pseudonym of "rebel and manifest city" courageously violently its disapproval. The repression is especially ferocious. The pupils and students fall again under the murderous bullets of the security strengths. The days that follow, several other cities through the country fit together the step in Koudougou. By solidarity. Some public buildings burn, domiciles of high personalities are sacked or are fired. More of a Burkinabè wondered about the generalization in one record time of these violent demonstrations of youngsters in anger. How is one arrives there? To calm the situation, among others measures, it is decided the closing of all school and academic establishments, the shift of the holidays of the second quarter, the closing of the academic cities and the suspension of the social works.
It is in this situation of grumbles social generalized that the big mute to the kalaches so loud plunges its boots in the dish. Feigning a decision of justice that would not have been to the favor of some of their weapon comrades, some soldiers seize the weapons and munitions to invade the city of Ouagadougou overnight her of March 22 to 23. Shootings in air, depredations, havocs of trades and public and private services. After Ouagadougou, Fada Gourma, Gaoua, Banforas followed. By solidarity they say also. Ouaga rebelote with the fire of the domicile of the chief of state general regimental adjutant of the armies and the injury of the mayor of Ouaga Simon Compaoré. The worried situation. In top as below.
March 30, information circulates that the president of Faso will go at the nation to 13h. It is finally around 14h05mn that the national anthem announces the speech of the chief of the state. In this speech, Blaise Compaoré tells to have seized the sense and the range of the quest of well-being, truth, justice and security that coins stretch some demonstrations ". He reaffirms besides his availability to meet all social categories in order to exchange on their preoccupations. "Since tomorrow, I will receive the different components of our Armed services ", he has added. And the following day, the carpet of the palace of Kosyam was unwound to the army rabble. So therefore, only the melody of the weapons is capable to wake our president up and to prepare it to listen. His People. We take note.
Koundjoro Gabriel Kambou
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